If you'd like to submit projects to Mannifest Productions, please email with the following information:
Project Name
Genre (Drama, Comedy, Horror, Thriller, etc.)
Project Type (Film, TV Pilot, New Media Series)
Log Line (max 30 words)
Summary (max 2 paragraphs)
Partnership Interest (Are you interested in working with Mannifest Productions for Financing, Packaging, Producing, or to attach Mike Manning as an Actor or Writer? Or are you looking to partner with Mannifest Productions on Distribution, Marketing, Festival Strategies, etc.? How do you see us working together?)
Overall Budget (an estimate is ok, in USD$ please)
Is there existing Financing in place? (clearly state "yes" or "no" and the amount)
Has this project been pitched other places? Where and When?
Are there Current Attachments? (Producers, Actors, Financiers, etc.)
What is your ideal timeline to create this project?
A couple sentences on why this project is special to you and/or the social issues that this project addresses.
** Please note, a submission with the above information does not guarantee that anyone at Mannifest Productions Inc. or it's affiliates will read or have agreed to review any finished works, scripts, pitch decks, or view any other marketing or pitch materials associated with any submitted projects. Furthermore, a submission does not guarantee a reply by the above email address or by anyone at Mannifest Productions. We thank you for your submissions. If you do not receive a response, chances are the project, however amazing it may be, does not fit into what the company is looking for at that time or that the company does not have the bandwidth to become involved with the aforementioned project. Thank you.
Copyright © Mannifest Productions. All rights reserved.